Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dust to Dust article

Around dinner last night the article 'Dust to Dust' was brought up and argued over. It was amazing how quickly lines were drawn between the people at the table. The article basically states that a Hummer is more environmentally friendly than a Toyota Prius if you were to compare them through a typical life of 100K miles for the Prius and 300K miles for the Hummer.
Now once the arguments calmed down and people began to listen to one another, the actual learning process began. A lot of the pro-Prius arguer's began to learn what really goes into the construction of the 'green machine' and the effects these cars have on the environment through the construction process.
There wasnt much, 'well I am going to buy a Hummer' discussions but the discussions quickly turned to the other alternatives that are available to consumers when purchasing vehicles and other long term products. The education process at the end of the discussion was what proved to be fruitful as we all learned that without more discussion, the public was going to be fooled dooped on the products they were buying.

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